
Doctoral courses

A minimum of 60 credits are required for the whole PhD length
Representation of courses at least from 2 of the 3 categories

5 credits for research integrity courses

Keep track of your Portfolio (list of the formations you have followed)

Registration and progress through the ADUM platform

Category 1: Scientific skills training

Include training not listed in the catalogues, such as: international conference, Summer School, Specialized workshop, Master’s degree courses

• 1 credit for a conference

• 1 credit is worth ½ day of training: colloque, congress, seminars (maximum 10 credits by event), possible bonus :

• poster presentation : + 1 credit
• oral presentation : + 2 credits
• invitation : + 2 credits
• "award" : + 2 credits

• 1 credit is worth ½ day of training, JT ou Master’s degree courses, Summerschool, (maximum 8 credits by event)

• University degree (earned): 14 credits

Category 3: professional insertion – mutualized courses - DCE

The PhD programs offered by the CED aim to complete PhD students training organized within the graduate schools and the host laboratories by asserting their soft skills, but also by preparing them for the follow-up of their professional career, whether it be academic or business.

The Doctoral College catalog of professional training offers a set of seminars organized in 4 tracks: PhD and Companies, Entrepreneurship, Teaching, Career Pursuit and is articulated around 4 soft skills: Communication, Management, Project Management, Valorisation. The CED also organizes several events each year, such as Doctoriales, Challenge'Doc, DocEmploi, which allow PhD students to meet the socio-economic world and build their professional network.

Category 2: transverse courses


Type Value in credits
University degree (earned) 14
Practice Makes Perfect » Oral 10
Animal experimentation training 14
French as a foreign language 8
JAV with presentation (D2) 2
Workshop Bioaddoct 2
Research stay in another lab or in a private company 1 credit /
1 to 10 max
MOOCs Ethique de la recherche 6
Journée éthique de la recherche 5
Participating in the doctoral activities (Elected PhD student at the DS Council, PhD student day Orga.,...) 3 to 6


Research Integrity

Every doctoral school must ensure that doctoral students benefit from training in ethics and research integrity.

The Doctoral school of Biology and Health has decided that, among the 60 credits of the Doctoral courses, at least 5 mandatory credits should be validated in training in research ethics and integrity for doctoral students.